300mg and 200mg bargain boxes available now! Email us for details

Our Brands

We offer a diverse selection of quality, recognizable brands.  Each one of our unique brands brings its own personality and selection of products.

Cactus offers delicious and potent cannabis-infused gummies, hard candies and vapes for a discreet and tasty way to consume THC.

Shake 2 Bake medicated shooters are infused with a carefully selected blend of cannabis extract to provide a smooth and satisfying high.

Coyote Medicated Chocolate Bars – an extraordinary fusion of delectable chocolate and the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids.

Made with real New Mexico chiles!  Red or Green, which one will be your favorite?

Soma Toffee is a buttery, brittle hard candy infused with cannabis. The toffee’s rich flavor and texture make it a perfect hit for on-the-go or a relaxing evening at home.

Lucky’s Gold brand of vapable and edible products give a potent, delicious affect at an affordable price point.

Each easy-to-swallow capsule contains a carefully selected blend of cannabis extract and herbal additives that work together to help you relax and fall asleep faster.

eVOLV Strong sports salve stick is your ultimate recovery companion!  Harness the power of cannabinoids for targeted pain relief, reduced inflammation and enhanced recovery.

Our Mission

To empower the cannabis industry through exceptional products and services, along with our Commitment to being a trusted partner by delivering outstanding value and support.

Any questions? We’ve got answers

What types of products do you offer?

We offer gummies, salt water taffy, caramel chews, toffee bites, 50mL drink shooters, capsules and cartridges. We are looking forward to launching chocolate in the fall of 2023. We carry our products under 5 (soon to be 6) distinct brands; each with their own “feel” and target demographic. We offer a range of dosages throughout our products to meet almost any customer needs.

Do you sell retail to the public?

No, we are a wholesale manufacturer serving other businesses in the New Mexico cannabis industry.

What extraction method do you use?

We use cold ethanol extraction followed by short-path distillation. We use food grade, 200 proof ethanol.

Do you offer extraction-only services?

We do. We generally ask for a minimum of 15 pounds of material and can provide Whole Plant Oil or Distillate. Standard testing will always be included in these services. Please “contact us” for more information on these services.

Do you offer "white labeling"?

Yes, we can provide an array of products and services to help clients build their own brands! We have years of experience in the industry and provide great insight and partnership. “Contact us” for more information!

Are your products "strain specific"?

No. The process of distillation removes the terpenes that provide these profiles. We can and do add profiles back into some of our products by adding terpenes to the distillate.

How do you ensure the safety and quality of your products?

We are diligent in training our staff to maintain cleanliness, use proper dosing procedures, use well-established protocols and keep excellent records. All of our products are tested with state licensed testing labs for potency, solvents, pesticides and microbes. We calculate our dosing carefully for each batch and always double check each other. Our products are always tracked through the state’s cannabis tracking system. We are certified by all required agencies including NM CCD, NM Health Department for foodservice, and OSHA. Our staff is 100% certified in safe food handling, cannabis dosing and lab safety and standards.

How does my business become a client and place orders?

Businesses currently licensed with the NM CCD should use the Account Request to get in touch with our sales team! Please give us some information about your company and wholesale purchasing goals in the comments. We will be in touch to guide you through our new client forms and then get you access to our online client portal. Once you have access to our client portal, you will be able to see our full product menu and pricing, you can build your order online and submit when you are ready.

What is "client provided cannabis" pricing?

Client provided cannabis pricing is given to customers who provide their own plant material in buds or trim. We take the material, extract the THC and put it into the edibles we sell back to that client. Clients usually provide us with a bulk amount of material and then have a “bank” of mg of THC with our company.

What is "wholesale" pricing?

Wholesale pricing is given to customers who do not have their own material and want products made with our “house oil”. Our house oil comes from a number of different large producers in the state and is always properly biotracked and tested. Wholesale pricing is great for smaller businesses and those that do not have their own material.

Partner with us and elevate your cannabis edible game with our premium and diverse product selection, providing your customers with a top-notch experience they’ll keep coming back for.

Start Building Your Order Today

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